Dr. Sagar Bachhav
Senior Clinical Pharmacologist
Dr. Bachhav has worked for ~5-months (Sept 2010 to Jan 2011), as an Intern Trainee under mentorship of Dr. Jyoti Kode in immunology department at the Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer (ACTREC). After completing his Master’s degree (M. Pharmacy in Pharmacology), he joined ACTREC to learned in-vitro drug development methods to complement the in-vivo pharmacology research of his Master’s degree studies. The project he worked on was related to the evaluation of anti-cancer activity of phytoconstituents in bone and lung cancer cell lines. During conduct of this project, Dr. Bachhav learned different in-vitro studies related techniques and analysis like handing and maintaining the cell culture, flow cytometry, cell proliferation assay, DNA ploidy analysis and clonogenic assay. He also developed an animal model of anti-cancer activity by implantation of tumor cells in immunodeficient mice.
Dr. Bachhav is currently working as Senior Clinical Pharmacologist at AbbVie, Inc. North Chicago, USA. Before joining AbbVie, he has worked as UF-GSK Post-Doctoral program at the University of Florida, Gainesville, and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Collegeville for ~2.5 years (2018-2020). At the University of Florida, he was involved in multiple US-FDA clinical projects related to PK and in-vivo performance prediction of inhalation and nasal corticosteroid products. While at GSK, he worked on pharmacokinetic modelling and simulation of anti-infective drugs. D. Bachhav received his Ph.D. in Pharmaceutics, in year 2018, from the Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT), in Mumbai, India. He has also worked as Senior Research Fellow at the office of National Chair-Clinical Pharmacology, Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), in Mumbai for almost 2.5 years (2011-2013).
Over 10 years of his research journey, Dr. Bachhav has worked on diverse areas of research ranging from preclinical, formulation to clinical pharmacology projects related to CVS, infectious diseases, pulmonary, cancer, CNS, etc. He has published 15 research manuscripts in peer-reviewed scientific journals including the European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, Molecular Pharmaceutics, International J of Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Research, etc. He is also contributing as reviewer for scientific research journals and has reviewed more than 30 manuscripts. He serves as a Member of the Executive Committee of South Asian College-an Affiliate of ACCP (SAC-ACCP) for the past 7 years. He is also a member of the Steering Committee of Pharmacometrics & Pharmacokinetic community (ASCPT) and a life member of the Indian Society for Clinical Research (ISCR).